Monday, April 24, 2006

Last post... for a few days, anyway

Well, I shall be Blogger-less and, more importantly, internet-less for the next few days. Sigh. Life already seems to empty, eh. Oh well. Hopefully, it will spur my creativity but methinks reality is, I'll end up reading and day-dreaming and watching tv. Hopefully Mummy and I don't get at each other TOO much. Lol. Yeah.

Okay, so my thoughts are a little scattered, as they always seem to be these days. Don't really wanna think about him although I'm sure that won't last long. Really hope Jeev can come tonight, although that's nothing unusual either. Lol. I'm really depending on him too much. But he's just so... dependable, I guess. The way I am for the real him. Heee, as scrawlingsgirl says. Or maybe indeed is a better word.

What about Johnno? I am so tempted to save his number and sms him sometime. But I know it's one of those bridges that you cannot uncross. Brilliantly original metaphor, I know, I know. Okay, I will save the number but then the rest is up to further consideration. Oops, can't even find the number. Okay, so that will be taken as a sign from the universe. Lol.

I'm actually having fun at the moment. Let's not think about tonight and the DQ's inevitable appearance la. Watching Brokeback - God, it's fucking romantic. Well, not quite in the usual sense but it's a powerful love story, nonetheless. Not agreeing with the way they handle stuff, though. Oh well. Real life, I guess. Gotta go shower first, then hopefully fit in the last bit along with packing and getting dressed. Bah. What happened to the whole empty day?? Where did it go? Hmm. Oh wait, that's a good thing, innit? Lol.

Mel's somewhat happy. Woohoo. Nuff said. Til Thursday or Friday, my nonexistent avid readers.


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