Sunday, April 09, 2006

Crazy up-and-down day!

Wow, what a day this has been. I mean, my goodness. Good, bad, ugly as hell, blah, raging headache, jealous rage, mushy centre... what else could you ask for, eh?

Ruby's faith in me and Jeev's concern stand out as the highlights, I guess. Although to be perfectly honest, HIS faith in my ability to take control of the backstage is probably the most "warm-and-fuzzy" part of today. Just unfortunate that he didn't say it in the best of ways and all that.

But I guess it's good to be thought of highly, no matter what. I just have to tell myself that right now cuz there's too much on the line for me to screw up by overanalyzing or whatever. There's time enough to think about US (hah) later. But man, he's back to being in a weird mood la... Bah.

Can't do anything about that la. I can just help as much as I can but there's a limit to that, as well. But anyways, I'm not gonna think about that now. Like how I'm not gonna think about him or how much that exposed underbelly of flaws and insecurities is totally fucking adorable. Not for one second will I think of that.

Oh my God, Ruby thinks he may be gay!! God, if I fell for ANOTHER gay guy...! I would seriously die. But no la, he's so totally into TOG. Lol, and Ruby's answer to that is "Maybe he's bi". Lord, in some ways homosexuality would be a good thing... No, I don't really mean that.

Okay, I am NOT thinking about this. Not til the lights are off, at least. Damn, there's just so much going on these days... Help!


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