Sunday, April 16, 2006

Overwhelming days... and nights

Wow. Literally, I could write for hours about the events of the last four days and nights. They have been some of the craziest, most exhausting, frustrating and exhilarating times of my entire crazy life. I really wish I'd been able to blog every night cuz now I am at a bit of a loss as to what to say.

Let's see. Wednesday was insanely stressful cuz we went to the theatre only to find that rehearsals, which were scheduled to start at 5pm, could only begin at like, 10pm. So we had hours of waiting which was so hard for me cuz it meant that the backstage couldn't even work on props placement. So we only had ONE rushed run and then we had to leave. Everyone was massively stressed, tired and worried (except for most of the actors, who just don't seem to worry).

Thursday... I was a massive ball of stress and fear. I was so certain we would screw up, big time. But right now all I can remember is that it went off pretty darn well, except for the screw-up with the barstool and some other minor things. Ooh, I remember trying desperately to keep my mom (ah, getting angry now and there's no time to talk about her) away from him and how Tamil-movie-like it was when I ran through the theatre to the front doors only to watch them greeting each other. That didn't actually turn out that badly but then there was supper which was just an exercise in frustration. My expectations of him and everyone. I really just felt so unappreciated cuz no one really acknowledged us and we were stuck clearing up frickin cigarette boxes. I felt so crappy and the thought of doing it 5 more times was insane. But Jeev was awesome; I don't know what I would've done without him in the last few weeks, for so many reasons. (And no, I'm not just saying this because there's an off chance you may find my blog someday) He's been so patient with me and yeah, even though he may make some assumptions sometimes, at least he's there for me. He's been the only person I can talk to, really talk to and that has been pricless.

Thank you, sincerely. It means more to me than I can say. I really, really hope we remain friends, but in the light of last night, I guess you'd have to be nuts to hang around me. All I can say is, I'm really sorry about her and I cannot change the way she is; God knows I've tried for years. I hope you can just forget it but I know it's not likely.

Sigh. Now I really don't want to write about Friday and yesterday and anyway, I don't have the time to. Please let me make today the best it can be.


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