Thursday, May 11, 2006

Please let today be the end

Please let me resolve all this crap with him, about him, whatever else, today. Please don't let this "conversation" end up making things worse or leave questions unanswered or unresolved. Even though that seems clearly idealistic to me, I still need it to happen!! I need to just move on. I mean, seriously. I have to find some direction, structure, something for myself. I cannot be so dependent on people to make me feel better about myself, to keep me occupied, to pick me up(in every sense of the word).

Too damn cold to fucking write!!! Or even to bloody think la. This lab is insane today! ah. I need food, a warm bed and most of all, peace of mind. Hopefully he can help me provide 2 outta the 3 and I can happily provide the other. I'm not even making sense anymore, am I? It's the cold, I swear. K, shutting up now. There's fun stuff on YOGA to find. Lalalalalala.


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